Free ‘Things that Go Boom in the Night’ Halloween Event

The King’s College Department of Chemistry and Physics welcomes local families and their children to attend the annual “Things that Go Boom in the Night” Halloween event on Oct. 30, 2024 for an evening of free, fun, and interactive science activities, which includes several exciting demonstrations led by faculty and students throughout the evening.

Children will get to experience hands-on science like making chromatography ghosts, ‘alien eyeballs,’ exploding eggs, colorful flames, and oozing Jack-O-Lanterns.

The event will be held on the third floor of the Sheehy-Farmer Student Center. Doors open at 6 p.m. and close at 8 p.m. No registration is required, and guests are welcome to come at any point during that time since the demonstrations will be happening periodically throughout the evening. All attendees are encouraged to come in costume.