Greg Janik inducted into Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society Hall of Fame

Greg Janik was inducted into the Pennsylvania Athletic Training Hall of Fame on June 7th, 2024, at the Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society (PATS) Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposium. The Pennsylvania Athletic Training Hall of Fame was created in 1999 and is a state-wide honor that is the society’s most prestigious award. Dr. Janik is the youngest person ever inducted into the Hall of Fame. Dr. Janik is a leader in athletic training education and advocacy and has dedicated over two decades to enhancing the profession of athletic training in Pennsylvania and beyond. He has had extensive involvement with PATS, where he served as President and initiated crucial legislative changes, including transition to licensure for athletic trainers. His award includes the following proclamation: “Whereas the recipient has brought distinction and honor to the profession of athletic training through a commitment to excellence, dedication, and valued contributions in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”